Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Well...a quiet week can still bring a few loves.

So many things to enjoy.
As at many preschools children are often asked to sneeze or cough into their sleeves to avoid the spread of germs

Phoebe enjoyed sharing her 'elephant sneezing' routine. It's how her teachers obviously make germ control fun!!!

I love how sharing these things also makes her giggle. We love Pheeb's giggle.

Oh and the amount of artwork that ends up on the bench!!

Get a load of this folks. Thanks to the radiotherapy, I officially have short and curlys behind my ears. The new hair is soft and forming baby type ringlets. Awwwwwwww.
Yeah, it'd be cute if the rest of my hair wasn't straight!!! LOL

I love this old world rambling rose in my new garden.

I may sound a bit sad but I love it when my linen cupboard looks like this
(at least once a year). Actually I think I'm just really pleased to have the energy to achieve this now!!!

I REALLY love covering the garden with pea-straw, ready for autumn and winter

It always reminds me of a winter duvet pulled out of the cupboard and the garden all snuggled up for a new season.
Love Mark's attempt to keep the cats off the new young vege plants. Blooming puss-cats!!

Loving the patience of this lovely puppy.

Phoebe has started to draw people. Wonderful additions like limbs and nostrils are now included. Mark and I aren't just 'heads' anymore.

I was scheduled for an MRI this afternoon, but the technician went home ill. I'm guessing I'll now be photographed next week. Positive thoughts and love our way please. We of course are hoping for either no growth or even some die off of the tumour. We'd be happy with either.

My eldest girl turns 12 on Sat. Golly. Twelve years of parenting.
I'm looking forward to the next twelve.
Take care and have a great weekend.
Jaz xx

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Catch up from the Treacys!!

Well hello to you all. Despite how much I miss blogging, I still never quite find the energy or brain focus to write very much in one sitting. I am feeling better overall, I just need to get used to this new eyesight and to build up my stamina. I was told recently that it can take many months just to get over anesthetic etc. So still, the baby steps are being taken.

I thought it might be fun to update those of you in particular who are reading from elsewhere in New Zealand or the world of how our last few months have panned out. I enjoyed revisiting the photos myself. It is nice reminder of what has been an eventful journey. Late January and early Feb wasn't really documented as I was going through MAJOR steroid withdrawal and certainly wasn't much use behind the camera. BUT............that seems to have passed and each week is getting gradually better. I hope it is onwards and upwards from here.

I have an MRI at the end of this month. No more to say about that. Fingers and toes crossed until I get briefed on the result.

Enjoy our photo journey!
December 12 Molly turned 7and I finally made a rainbow cake that I have admired on a few other mummy blogs that I love!!!

Gorgeous Molly

Christmas morning, Phoebe enjoys her new 'balance bike'.

Lucy, our only pet remaining in December admiring herself in Caitlin's new mirror.

January in Whangaparaoa meant saying goodbye to friends and plenty of swimming before leaving for Christchurch.

Our new Southland neighbour :-)

A lovely part of our new backyard.

Our beautiful lemon roses that remind us of Gran and Grandad Lewis.
Late February, the bath smells a bit doggy.

I don't know how many times I have told her NOT to get up on there. Good thing I love her so much.

End of the financial year means stocktake for Mark so he is really busy, but learning lots about the new business. I am looking forward to Easter. A weekend to all mooch around together.
Have a lovely weekend folks.
Jaz xx

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Yes. It is Thursday again and I have plenty to be thankful for . Let's see how my head and eyes go at telling you all about it.

Firstly. I met the Neurosurgical team here in Christchurch yesterday. Just a catch up and opportunity to discuss my next MRI. Good news is... the MRIs are now six monthly (as long as nothing nasty is seen). One day it might be yearly. Oh ...something to look forward to!!
I caught up with a regstrar who had been present for my first surgery last year. She was over joyed to see me looking so well, walking, moving, talking etc. Of course, Mark reminds me often of how far I have come, but seeing her reaction was very cool. I often feel a bit trapped still and that recovery from all of last year's happenings just won't happen. But it is happening, gradually, but surely!!

Aside from eyes and brains I try to focus on other things in my life.
Please let me introduce you to our new 5 month old puppy, Rosie.

True love!!

Rosie and Lucy taking a little longer!!! (And yes, that is my bed, and I'm meant to fit in there somewhere!!!!!)

She is not really meant to do this..shhh

I LOVE this!! Every morning when the girls are picked up by a friend for school she watches them go. " Bye Caitlin and Molly"
I just need to teach her how to wave :-)

Last but not least. I am once again thankful for how hard my hubby Mark is working. I am so proud of you Mark.

Jaz xx

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday: a pleasant surprise!

Well would you look at that. 77 of you gorgeous people are still following my blog....despite my disabled eyes and the lack posting.

I am very thankful.

I've worked out...(drumroll)........that with a patch over one eye I can write on here for a few minutes at each sitting. So what do you think. A few words every few days??

I miss posting and still have so much to say LOL.

I'm going to try and move forward with what I've been left with. It feels good to still be waking each day. I'm slowly getting used to being a slightly new version of Jaz. Getting there.

One thing I do know for sure. I miss you all. I miss this. I miss just gas-bagging about "stuff".

So BIG thanks to you.
Nice to be back .........(blowing you a kiss).......
Jaz xx


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